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AC Mountain White Wheat Seed:

AC Mountain is a non-bearded soft white winter wheat developed at the Agriculture Canada Research Station in Ontario.  AC Mountain is a high yielding variety with good lodging resistance and moderate resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus. 

In the 2021 Michigan State University Wheat Variety Trails, AC Mountain has a 5 county average yield of 100.3 bu/ac.

2021 Michigan State University Wheat Variety Trial Data

AC Mountain

Yield - 3 year average Plant Height (3 Yr Avg)  Lodging Score (2019)

0 - 9 Scale with 0=none

88.7 bu/ac 37.4 3.5

AC Mountain chaff and straw color is white and makes excellent livestock bedding material. 

AC Mountain is widely adapted to Michigan soils and climate with an average maturing date. 

Just a thought.... use a 10.5 ounce rate of Palisade on this variety in the spring when you put on your herbicide and fungicide.  The probablility of lodging is greatly reduced by using Palisade.